AZ-104 Exam prep resources
Here is a list of useful resources to help you pass the AZ-104 Microsoft Azure Administrator exam
AZ-104 Azure Administrator Study List full playlist by John Savill free, youtube, full course
AZ-104 Administrator Associate Study Cram v2 by John Savill free, youtube, cram, recap
Azure Administrator Certification (AZ-104) - Full Course to PASS the Exam by Andrew Brown free, youtube, full course
Exam AZ-104 prep videos by Microsoft Learn free, recap
Course AZ-104T00-A: Microsoft Azure Administrator by Microsoft Learn free, official, full course
Labs and Demos by Microsoft Learn and GitHub repo free, hands-on
Practice Assessment for Exam AZ-104: Microsoft Azure Administrator by Microsoft Learn free, practice tests
Azure Resource Manager QuickStart Templates free, hands-on, documentation, examples
Practice Tests by whizlabs paid, practice tests, pretty close to the real exam
AZ-104 Microsoft Azure Administrator Exam Prep by Scott Duffy paid, udemy